» Laser Marking & Engraving

Laser Marking & Engraving Machines Utilizing Laser of your choice and  Process Requirements.

We are replacing our legendary family of Fiber Tower equipment with the new line of Products - LASERTOWER TM

LaserTower 20 - Equipped with Fiber Laser or Green Laser

LaserTower Desktop - Equipped with Fiber Laser or Green Laser

LaserTower XP Compact - Equipped with Fiber Laser, Green Laser or 30W CO2 laser

LaserTower XP - Equipped with Fiber Laser, Green Laser or CO2 laser (30W or 100W)

LaserTower XP Plus RT - Equipped with Fiber Laser, Green Laser or CO2 laser (30W or 100W)

LaserTower XP Plus CM - Equipped with Fiber Laser or CO2 laser (30W or 100W)

LaserTower MegaCenter - Equipped with Fiber Laser

For more information please visit our Laser Marking Division website www.laserphotonics.com

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Highlighted Application:

Application #183
Process: Cutting & Scribing
Material: TFT LCD




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